Degree Program
Degree Program

Graduate Programs

  • 3-year program (regular) 40 units
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The global trend in applied research necessitates the use of mathematical approaches. The Ph.D. Applied Mathematics in UPLB, the first doctorate degree program in applied mathematics in the Philippines, is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the study and creation of mathematical and computational methods to solve complex problems in various fields and industries. The goal is to produce graduates who are innovative problem solvers, combining advanced-level mathematical science and domain knowledge to help address local and global issues and challenges. This program seeks to contribute to the existing pool of experts in the field of Mathematics who are competent not only in theory but also in the use of these theories in obtaining predictions and quantitative prescriptions for complex problems.The Ph.D. program seeks to address specific present and future needs of science, technology, and society, to wit:
• Biomathematics to formulate quantitative solutions to the problems in biology, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental science, and medicine with the aid of data science;
• Complex Systems Modeling to analyze interactions and trends in dynamic, physical, and social systems at different scales;
• Financial Mathematics to manage the risks in human societies, businesses, natural environment, and agricultural economy;
• Data Science and Numerical Mathematics to approximate solutions to the problems in the natural, social, and engineering sciences using modern technologies and algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence;
• Partial Differential Equations to model properties of composite materials, and the evolution of the dynamics in spatio-temporal systems; and
Quantitative Management and Decision Science to optimize the use of natural resources and design efficient processes and operations in various industries.
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics graduates can work in academic and research institutions as educators or researchers in colleges and universities. They can also be employed as scientists in government laboratories, research institutions, knowledge management agencies, and consulting firms. With growing interests in data mining and analytics, graduates of this program can also be data scientists working in e-commerce, business intelligence, bioinformatics and genomics, or management engineering. Financial service and investment management firms can also hire Ph.D. Applied Mathematics graduates as financial analysts who will use sophisticated math models and computational methods to support investment decisions, manage risks, develop and price new securities, and optimize operations. Engineering (computer, electronics, chemical, electrical, industrial) research organizations will also be interested in the modeling and computational strengths of Ph.D. Applied Mathematics graduates to rationalize the design and analysis of existing and new materials in fields like electronics and nanotechnology. With the emergence of ecological and environmental problems affecting the whole population, those who have the modeling and numerical knowledge can be tapped to apply quantitative techniques in the management of ocean fisheries, insect population growth, and spread of infection under various immunization protocols. Computer information and software firms can also employ graduates of Ph.D. Applied Mathematics program as analysts or head of R&D operations. Transportation and communication service providers can also take in Ph.D. Applied Mathematics graduates as consultants for efficient and effective delivery of services. Social enterprises can also hire these graduates to study social networks affecting their success or failure, and to simulate the dynamics and behavior of communities.
  • 2-year program (regular) 31units
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The Master of Science in Physics program is designed to enhance the physics background of students and develop their skills in performing advanced research. Depending on the interests of the student, such skills can include proficiencies in the analytical exploration of theoretical models, the computational modeling of the behavior and properties of physical systems, or the design and implementation of experiments in the laboratory. Students are expected to have enhanced physics background; be trained in producing high-quality and cutting-edge research in physics; have motivation to contribute new and interesting knowledge and publish research articles in physics journals; be prepared for doctoral studies in physics, applied physics, or a related field; and acquire high analytical and problem-solving skills.The Physics Division of IMSP has six research clusters: Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Analytics, Complex and Environmental Systems; Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics; Materials Physics and Engineering; Optics and Instrumentation; and Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Students in the program can choose from these research groups to work on a research topic.The program prepares students who plan to pursue a Ph. D. degree in physics, applied physics, or a related field by developing their skills needed to perform advanced and high-quality research in physics. Alternatively, the background physics knowledge gained and the analytical and problem-solving skills learned by a student in the program are valuable when the student decides to pursue a career in the academe, technology, industry, business or the government.
  • 2-year program (regular) 31units
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The MS Mathematics program aims to produce graduates who shall be demonstrating advanced mathematical mastery to pursue careers requiring mathematical skills and perspectives. It has three tracks: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Students are expected to have the ability to apply abstraction, logic, precision and rigor to solve problems in mathematics and other related disciplines; demonstrate oral and written skills in communicating mathematical proofs and solutions; and develop cognitive-behavioral schemas on the utility of mathematics as motivation for teaching and advanced learning of mathematics.Students of the MS Mathematics program may specialize and do research in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and mathematics education. Specific areas of research include, but not limited to, Actuarial Science, Algebra, Analysis, Biomathematics, Coding Theory, Combinatorics, Cryptography, Data Science, Financial Mathematics, Geometry, Graph Theory, Mathematics Education, Numerical Analysis and Simulation, Partial Differential Equations, and Quantitative Management and Decision Science.Graduates of the MS Mathematics program may pursue mathematics-related careers in academe, research, industry, business, civil society and government. They are prepared to conduct independent or collaborative research, to teach high school or undergraduate mathematics courses, and to pursue doctoral studies in theoretical or applied mathematics, mathematics education, or related field.

Undergraduate Programs

  • 4-year program ( 131 units )
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The BS Applied Mathematics program is a four-year course that aims to produce graduates proficient in the use of mathematical principles and methods in modelling complex natural and social phenomena. Students of the program will be trained to apply these principles and methods to solve decision making problems by developing mathematical models and algorithms.Students of the BS Applied Mathematics program may specialize, take elective courses, and do research in biomathematics, operations research, actuarial science, and mathematical finance. The program also accommodates emerging areas of applied mathematics via special topics and research colloquia.BS Applied Mathematics graduates are prepared for a wide variety of career options in the academe, research institutions and the industry such as in logistics companies, insurance industry, electronics and computer manufacturers, pharmaceutical firms, banking, finance, and more.
  • 4-year program ( 143 units )
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
Applied Physics is a category of physics where fundamental discoveries in physics drive the creation, invention, and innovation of practical devices and systems. It has produced technological breakthroughs with profound effects to the development of modern civilization. An example would be the application of the physics of semiconductors to the invention of the transistor and computers. In addition, applied physics is also the practice of applying physics, including its concepts and methodologies, to other sciences.Applied Physics is a category of physics where fundamental discoveries in physics drive the creation, invention, and innovation of practical devices and systems. It has produced technological breakthroughs with profound effects to the development of modern civilization. An example would be the application of the physics of semiconductors to the invention of the transistor and computers. In addition, applied physics is also the practice of applying physics, including its concepts and methodologies, to other sciences.

The BS Applied Physics program aims to provide sufficient background knowledge, perspectives, and training to enable students to explore the practical implications of physics and extend the boundaries of what we know about the Universe. Graduates of this four-year program learn how to apply the principles and methods of physics to solve practical problems or to extend our knowledge in physics and the other sciences.
BS Applied Physics students may do research in the foundations of quantum mechanics, condensed matter theory, statistical physics, cosmology and particle physics, materials physics and engineering, optics and instrumentation, physics education, and complex systems.Graduates of the BS Applied Physics program are equipped to pursue advanced physics research, university physics teaching, graduate studies, and employment in physics-related jobs in academia, businesses, industry, or the government.
  • 4-year program ( 131 units )
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The BS Mathematics program is a four-year course that seeks to develop and enhance students’ mathematical skills necessary in pursuing careers in the academe, research institutions and areas of work requiring analytical and critical thinking. It covers the breadth and depth of mathematics, from classical to contemporary, from the theoretical to the applied.The Mathematics Division of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (IMSP) offers major and elective courses covering advanced topics in algebra, analysis, geometry and combinatorics. Students of the BS Mathematics program may pursue specialized research in the areas of graph theory, coding theory and cryptography, and partial differential equations.Graduates of the BS Mathematics program may pursue careers in business, economics, and banking that require strong analytical and problem-solving skills. They are also prepared for mathematics teaching in the university, graduate studies, and research.
  • 4-year program ( 140 – 142 units )
DescriptionResearch FocusCareer Prospects
The BS Mathematics and Science Teaching program is designed to produce versatile teachers who can teach all high school mathematics and science courses with proficiency, and who can perform action researches using current technology, strategies, and methods. A joint program of the Institute of Biological Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, and Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics. This curriculum is a strong version of the BS Education program as far as mathematics and science teaching is concerned. It comprises of 54 units of science and mathematics foundation (all content) courses and four areas of specialization that carry 13 to 16 units of major courses.Students of the BS Mathematics and Science Teaching program may do researches in the area of curriculum and instructional design, development of new instructional materials, learning objects, manipulatives and assessment tools, analysis and evaluation of learning materials, innovative pedagogies, survey of student attitudes and performance.The graduates of the BS Mathematics and Science Teaching program have the competencies to handle the science and the mathematics subjects at the junior high school level and the STEM strand of the Academic Track of the senior high school level of the Philippines’ K-12 enhanced basic education program.